Prolonging the life of your Perishables

Prolonging the life of your Perishables

Wanting to cut costs, minimise food wastage and make sure you make the most of your weekly groceries?

Here are 7 tips on how to prolong the life of your perishable foods.

  1. Remove spoiled food from your fridge or fruit basket, as the ethylene gas it releases can speed up the aging process of the foods surrounding it
  2. Needing to pre-chop your veggies? Try lemon juice to prevent any browning
  3. Organise your fridge. You are more likely to make the most of the ingredients in your fridge, and therefore minimise waste, if you know and can see what is in there
  4. Freeze your bread. It will pro long its life as the cold conditions prevent mould growing. You can even freeze single slices or single serves of bread in self seal bags for even easier storage
  5. Purchase an Ethylene Gas Absorber to slow down the aging process of your fruit and vegetables
  6. Store potatoes with apples to prevent the potatoes from sprouting
  7. Spray left over avocado or guacamole with cooking oilto prevent browning.
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